FAQs on the memorial
Who formed the idea of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial?
What is the official name of the memorial?
When did construction begin?
When was the memorial completed?
Who paid for the memorial?
What were the criteria required for the design?
How was the winning design chosen?
Who did the judging of the design entries?
What were the winning prizes?
Who designed the (wall) memorial?
What was Maya Ying Lin's concept of the memorial?
Does Maya Ying Lin's name appear anywhere on the memorial?
Who designed the sculpture?
Is there a flag pole?
How many names are on the memorial?
Who was the first known casualty?
How were the names obtained?
How many names have been added since the memorial was dedicated?
Are there any civilians listed on the wall?
How are the names arranged on the wall?
What was the criteria for names on the wall?
What are the dates on the wall?
What are the statistics of the memorial?
What are the numbers at the bottom of the panel?
Which wall is east and west?
What are the dots?
What are the symbols by the names?
What kind of stone was used?
Where was the stone cut?
How were the names carved on the wall?
What was the process?
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